Work-Life Balance
Coaching For Business Owners
and Leaders

You finally have the business or career of your dreams, but the freedom you dreamt of is nowhere in sight.
The Work-Life Balance Coaching Package will help you limitlessly scale in your dream business or job while enjoying a sustainable work-life balance.
Imagine taking two full days off a week while everything runs perfectly fine ( or better) without you.
Imagine feeling decisive and confident about decisions big and small without overthinking or worrying you may be wrong.
When you work with Judy, you will:
Feel energized, excited, and joyful
Enjoy peace of mind at work and home
Overcome negative self-talk
Feel empowered and capable in challenges
Have confidence in decision-making
Achieve sustainable work-life balance
Take at least 2 full days off a week
Set boundaries that honor values and needs simultaneously
Enable the people around you to be responsible for themselves
Enjoy a business or workplace that runs smoothly without you
Work in your area of genius instead of putting out fires all day
The Work-Life Balance Coaching Package, you get:
12 weeks of personal support includes:
(1) Energy Leadership™ Assessment with a 90-minute jumpstart session for goal-setting and mapping.
(3) Video training modules about the benefits of Energy Leadership ™ for the application to current situations, including but not limited to over-working, decision-making, and empowering others at work and home to move more off your to-do list.
(9) 1:1 45-minute sessions for complete support toward actualizing specific goals
AND, Brief Text and Email support in between sessions